

Color Trend – Hand Painting Hair & Balayage

In June Garnish Studio hosted the Original Mineral Hand Painting & Balayage color class by veteran hair stylist Wayne Lewis. Wayne is a world renowned hair stylist that has focused on hair color perfection for most of his career. We had the pleasure of picking his brain, as he guided us through the latest techniques of hand painting and balayage on our live models. 

Hand painting & balayage refer to the process of sweeping color onto the hair by hand. Both provide the colorist with more freedom to place color where she/he chooses, creating the most natural looking highlights. Unlike foils which are more precise, time consuming and often require heat to set the color, balayage and hand painting let your stylist use their true artistic abilities to create a custom look that is unique to each person’s style, cut and desired hair color.

The class was amazing, upbeat, and full of some of the latest techniques in the industry for achieving the most natural looking highlights with minimal upkeep. As we neared the end of class, everyone was excited to see the finished look on each of our models, and we were elated with the results! Gorgeous colors that seemed to look as if they grew from their roots naturally. 

Since the class, the Garnish team has been on a roll; hand painting and lacing hair with beautiful results. It’s safe to say, we’re absolutely hooked! 

Ask your stylist if you would be a good candidate for this awesome new technique. Call 919-793-4008 to book your appointment or book online.


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