

Color Revamp⚡️

What’s a Color Revamp?

You’ve seen us talking about it on Social Media, and you’ve seen the before and after photos of our beautiful transformations, but what are we actually talking about when we say “She got a Color Revamp.” We wanted to shine some light on what that means and why it’s such an integral part of our hair extensions process.

Essentially, a Color Revamp is the transformation from where your hair color currently is to where you want it to be. When you fill out an application to become a Garnish guest, we ask for two current photos of you along with two inspiration photos. Your inspo photos are what we look at to see if we can achieve your goals all in one shot. It’s absolutely vital that you LOVE your hair color prior to adding extensions, so we consider achieving your color goals to be the first step in your hair extensions journey.

Whether you end up needing a Full Color Revamp or a Mini Color Revamp (more on the distinction in a moment), we have two goals in mind. First-achieve as close to your color goals as possible while, Second-maintaining the health and integrity of your hair throughout the process. This may mean you need highlights, color all over, both highlights AND color, glazing, shadow rooting, and more.

NBR Hair Extensions

We also utilize Olaplex in pretty much every Color Revamp service. Olaplex rebuilds the bonds of your hair and works to keep your hair healthy and strong—so necessary when undergoing the multi-level processes of a Color Revamp. We also take pride in ensuring that your end result will be one that you totally fall in love with. This means we take your inspiraton photos, but also consider your skin tone, eye color, and face shape to determine what color will best suit YOU. Our stylists will pinpoint the key elements of your inspiration photos and use that to design your perfect hair color.

A Full Color Revamp means every strand of hair on your head has something done to it. We most often work with blondes, brunettes, and somewhere in between (aka bronde) and all of these colors have the tendency to get brassy really quickly or become too blended together. A Full Revamp is typically going from one color to a completely different color or tone. We utilize intentionally placed color to achieve this, and it requires a lot of detail work to do so.

For this reason, we offer this service under a flat rate cost. Achieving a modern look (such as the Pinterest inspo photos we typically receive), means a lot more work than just your standard highlight. If you want your hair to look modern, lived-in, and intentional, a multi-step process is absolutely necessary. Our goal is to get you as close to your inspo photos as possible in one shot, while also providing longevity to your hair color. Typically a Full Color Revamp appointment takes 4-5 hours.

A Mini Color Revamp is typically just changing the tone and placement, while maintaining the same hair color. We’re still coloring the majority of the hair, but are working inside the same color family. Often this process is a little more subtle—adding money pieces, pops of color—and is ultimately working to make your color more beautiful, refreshed, shiny and intentional. Even a slight shift may require more work than meets the eye, so typically our Mini Revamp takes about 3 hours.

Color Revamps go hand-in-hand with hair extensions, because as we say so often, we cannot extend what you feel lukewarm about! If you come to us already loving your color and texture, then you’re in a good place to add hair extensions. However, we cannot guarantee that you’re going to fall in love with your extensions, if we’re extending something you’re already not in love with. We prioritize getting your color to exactly where you want it to be prior to adding extensions, so that once your additional hair is added, it’s your COMPLETE hair dream instead of just fuller and/or longer hair.

If you’re ready to get started on your hair extensions journey, apply here. We can’t wait to Revamp your color and give you the hair of your dreams!


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