

Garnish Life Updates ✨

We wanted to bring you up to date on what’s happening in our studio because we have a couple of super exciting announcements!

First up, April is expecting! We are so excited for her! We’ve affectionately nicknamed her baby Toodles.
She is also in the process of transitioning to a full-time assistant role. She decided to jump in with both feet and has let go of her existing clientele in the pursuit of extension goodness. Hair extensions are something she’s been interested in for years and we’re thrilled to have her join the training to become a Garnish extension specialist. We are really looking forward to seeing her grow in more than one way.

Next up… as of this week, Jen is going to be our studio project manager! You may have seen Jen around the studio putting away hair, doing inventory things, and being all around cute, savvy, and sassy. Over the past couple of months we’ve been in communication about evolving her role and are thrilled that she will be joining us full-time. Jen has several years of management experience in the restaurant industry and will be taking care of all of the things that we do inside of the studio.

From the outside looking in, it may not be obvious how much detail and work goes into the running of an extension studio. We have a whole inventory process in effect to keep everything organized so you always know your hair is going to be here for your appointment. It needs to be ordered, catalogued, prepped, filed, and catalogued. We run our studio very much like a medical spa, so each client has a file that connects them to all of their information. We track the hair they’ve had in the past, any quote that has been written, the length, density, texture, brand, and weft count of every single guest… and that’s definitely an undertaking. As we’ve continued to grow, that position that was once taken up by the assistants in their spare time has needed to evolve as the assistants don’t really have spare time anymore!

Jen came in with flying colors at the end of the year and has just been so amazing in this position that we’ve grown this position into not just inventory but managing all of the products, projects, and educational formats that we have inside of our studio. It’s amazing to have someone to cross all the t’s and dot all of the i’s. Jen’s attention to detail and all around good vibes made her a shoe-in for this position. We are so happy to have her as a full-time member of our team!

Other than that, things are getting back to normal… as normal as normal can be.

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming in and helping us reinvent our new normal and giving us all an opportunity to jump back into our passion. After two months away we were really missing what we were doing for a living, transforming hair, and talking to everyone.

So we wanted to send out a huge thank you for your continued support that allows us to do what we do. As far as updates in the future, we know that things are constantly changing and can feel very uncertain right now, but as always you can expect our communication streams to be wide open. We can’t wait to finish out the rest of the summer and hopefully see everything get back to even more normal. We just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what was going on inside of our studio and our space!

To keep up with us on a day to day basis, make sure you’re following us on social!


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