An Ovarian Cancer Survivor’s Story

Friends, Our good friend and client Denise Fowler is an Ovarian Cancer survivor. We felt if was important to have Denise share here story with all of you. As you know, September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and we want to help everyone understand this terrible disease and we hope you will share this information with the […]
NOvarian Supporters You Rock!!

We have had tremendous support with our NOvarian Donation Event. People have been blowing us away everyday with how much they are willing to donate, and how they are wearing their teal hair extension with pride. We have even had some little ones brought in to get their extension put in. Thank you for a […]
NOvarian – Ovarian Cancer Awareness

September is here, and the fight against Cancer continues! One day while finishing up one of our favorite client’s hair, we started talking about how pivotal the month of September is for her and her family. It inspired us here at Garnish to help in bringing awareness to the fight against Ovarian Cancer. Join us […]